8.                         CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION

8.1                       Conclusions

8.1.1                   No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for air quality monitoring and construction noise monitoring in the reporting period.

8.1.2                   No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for water quality in the reporting period.

8.1.3                   No Action / Limit exceedance was recorded for noise levels at stations (NMS1 and NMS2) in close proximity to the active ardeid night roosts in the monitoring period.

8.1.4                   A total of two (2) Action Level exceedances were recorded for the ecological monitoring of birds during the reporting period. However, these exceedances were not project-related.

8.1.5                   13 environmental site inspections and 13 landscape and visual site audits were carried out in the reporting period. Recommendations on mitigation measures were given to the Contractor for remediating the deficiencies identified during the site inspections.

8.1.6                   No environmental complaints, notification of summons and successful prosecutions were recorded in the reporting period.

8.1.7                   The EM&A methodology has been effective in monitoring the environmental impacts of the Project and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. The data collected were useful in determining whether the Project had caused unacceptable impacts on the sensitive receivers. Analysis of all EM&A data collected throughout the baseline and the impact monitoring periods demonstrated the environmental acceptability of the Project.



8.2                       Comment and Recommendations

8.2.1                   The recommended environmental mitigation measures, as proposed in the EIA report and EM&A Manual shall be effectively implemented to minimize the potential environmental impacts from the Project. The EM&A programme would effectively monitor the environmental impacts generated from the construction activities and ensure the proper implementation of mitigation measures.

8.2.2                   According to the environmental site inspections performed in the reporting period, the following recommendations were provided:


Air Quality Impact

·        The Contractor is recommended to provide water spraying to prevent dust emission for access road at FST Area.

·        The Contractor shall provide water spraying for dust suppression at haul roads.

·        The Contractor shall provide water spraying for dust suppression at loading/unloading area and haul roads.

Construction Noise Impact

·        No specific observation was identified in the reporting period.

Water Quality Impact

·        The Contractor shall provide sandbags to prevent silty runoff into the storm drain.

Chemical Waste and Construction Waste Management

·        The Contractor shall clean up the oil stain on road with chemical absorbent pad and treat it as chemical waste for disposal.

Land Contamination

·        No specific observation was identified in the reporting period.

Ecological Impact

·        The Contractor shall maintain and reinstate the bird curtains at the east site boundary.

·        The Contractor shall maintain and reinstate the bird curtains at the northern and eastern site boundary.

·        The Contractor shall maintain and reinstate the bird curtains at the eastern and northern site boundary.

Landscape and Visual Impact

·        Please keep adjacent ground of trees free of construction materials.

·        All trees shall be checked to ensure no construction materials or cables attached to them.

·        Provide maintenance check after rainstorms for possible broken branches or other possible damages to trees.

Hazard to Life

·        No specific observation was identified in the reporting period.

Permit/ Licenses

·        No specific observation was identified in the reporting period.[This is the bookmark for the end of the main section. Do not put content past this point]

 [This is the bookmark for the end of the main section. Do not put content past this point]