Table 1.2 – Main Construction Works Carried out in the Reporting Period

January 2022

February 2022

March 2022

·  Temp. road pavement at PST no. 5 & 6;

·  Demolition of FST no. 5-8 by crusher excavator;

·  Pre-drill work at Aeration tank by 1 rig;

·  Installation of sheet pile at IW & PST;

·  Pile load test at IW & PST;

·  Diversion work at Zone 2A;

·  Diversion work at Zone 2B;

·  Construction of 1600A temp. transformer room;

·  Reinstatement of road pavement at Zone 1;

·  Filter Disc Pilot Plant concrete plinth;

·  AGS Pilot Plant concrete plinth;

·  Pipe laying for Zone 3;

·  Construction RC structure at Zone 3;

a. Temp. Gravity thickening tank;

b. Temp. Sludge Holding Tank;

c. Temp. water heater house;

d. Temp. thickened sludge pump;

e. Temp. digested sludge pump;

·  Overhaul work at Sludge Digestion Tank; and

·  Ground investigation at A. tank no. 7-8.


·  Temp. road pavement at PST no. 5 & 6;

·  Demolition of FST no. 5-8 by excavator mounted crusher;

·  Pre-drill work at A.tank by 2 rigs;

·  Installation of sheet pile at IW & PST;

·  Pile load test at IW & PST;

·  Diversion work at Zone 2B;

·  Construction of 1600A temp. transformer room;

·  Reinstatement of road pavement at Zone 1 & Zone 2A;

·  Pipe laying for Zone 3;

·  Construction RC structure at Zone 3;

a.      Temp. Gravity thickening tank;

b.      Temp. Sludge Holding Tank;

c.       Temp. water heater house;

d.      Temp. digested sludge pump;

·  Overhaul work at Sludge Digestion Tank;

·  Ground investigation at Sludge Thickening Building by 2 rigs;

·  Site formation works at CLP substation;

·  Site formation works at MIC office;

·  Pipe laying for Zone 3 diversion;

·  Installation of CCTV and Wifi; and

·  Env. Drill holes inside Air Flotation Thickener.

·  Demolition of FST no. 5-7 by excavator mounted crusher;

·  Pre-drill work at A.tank by 1 rigs;

·  Pre-drill work at STB by 2 rigs;

·  Installation of sheet pile at IW & PST;

·  Pile load test at IW & PST;

·  Sheet pipe work at Zone 2B;

·  Construction of 1600A temp. transformer room;

·  Pipe laying for Zone 3;

·  Construction RC structure at 3 zone;

a.      Temp. Gravity thickening tank;

b.      Temp. Sludge Holding Tank;

c.       Temp. water heater house;

d.      Temp. digested sludge pump;

e.      Digested Sludge Pumping Station;

·  Demolition works at Sha Tin Treatment Plant;

·  Demolition of Sludge Holding Tank no. 3 & 4;

·  Foundation works at CLP substation;

·  Foundation works at MIC office;

·  Trial pit for Env. Drill holes inside Air Flotation Thickener;

·  Drilling and installation of dewatering well and observation well at IW & PST; and

·  Disposal of construction waste as indicated in Appendix F.