2.1                Monitoring Requirement

2.1.1                The EM&A programme was undertaken in accordance with the EM&A Manual. It should be noted that the air quality, noise, water quality and ecology monitoring works are covered by this contract.

Air quality Monitoring

2.1.2                1-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) levels should be measured at the designated air quality monitoring stations to ensure that any deteriorating air quality could be readily detected and timely action shall be undertaken to rectify such situation. Impact 1-hour TSP monitoring was conducted for at least three times every 6 days when the highest dust impact occurs.

Noise Monitoring

2.1.3                Leq (30min) monitoring is conducted at least once a week when there are Project-related construction activities being undertaken within a radius of 300 m from the monitoring stations. The monitoring is conducted during the construction phase between 0700 and 1900 on normal weekdays at the designated monitoring locations.

Water quality Monitoring

2.1.4                Turbidity (in NTU), pH, DO (in mg/L and % of saturation), Temperature (in °C), Salinity (in ppt) and Suspended Solids are conducted for three days per week at mid-flood and mid-ebb with sampling and measurement at the designated monitoring stations.

Ecology Monitoring

2.1.5                Ardeid night roost monitoring was conducted once a month in areas within 100 m from the Project boundary to monitor the effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures and detect any unpredicted indirect ecological impacts arising from the Project.

2.1.6                Ecological monitoring of birds was conducted monthly during the quarter at point count sites and transect routes along the wetland habitats in Fung Lok Wai and Nam Sang Wai as well as along Shan Pui River and Kam Tin River within 500 m from the Project boundary.

2.2                Monitoring Locations

2.2.1                The air quality and noise monitoring are summarized in Table 3. The locations of the air quality and noise monitoring stations shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively.

2.2.2                The coordinates of water quality monitoring locations are summarized in Table 4. The locations of the water quality monitoring stations shown in Figure 4.

2.3                Results & Observations

2.3.1                Graphical presentation of the environmental monitoring data in the reporting period is presented in Appendix D.

Air quality Monitoring

2.3.2                1-hour TSP impact monitoring at AM1 and AM2 were carried out in the reporting period, the air quality monitoring results are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for this Contract.

2.3.3                No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for air quality monitoring in the reporting period.

Noise Monitoring

2.3.4                Construction noise monitoring were carried out in the reporting period, the construction noise monitoring results for CM1, CM2 and CM3 are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for this Contract.

2.3.5                No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for construction noise monitoring in the reporting period.

2.3.6                No raining and wind with speed over 5 m/s was observed during noise monitoring according to the onsite observation.

2.3.7                During the noise monitoring period, at CM2, road traffic from the squatter house at the west of Yuen Long STW was observed, at CM3, road traffic from the Nam Sang Wai Road was observed. No effect that arose from the other special phenomena and work progress of the concerned site for CM1 was noted during the current monitoring period.

Water quality Monitoring

2.3.8                Water quality monitoring were carried out in the reporting period (Typhoon Signal No. 8 was hoisted on 1 September 2023 and Black Rainstorm Signal was hoisted on 8 September 2023. Due to safety concerns, the water quality monitoring on 1 September 2023 [Mid-Flood and Mid-Ebb] and 8 September 2023 [Mid-Flood and Mid-Ebb] has been cancelled), the monitoring results for M1, M2 and M3 are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for this Contract.

2.3.9                No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity and Suspended Solids. Number of water quality exceedance recorded in the reporting period at each impact stations is summarized in Table 5.

Ecology Monitoring

2.3.10             Ardeid night roost monitoring and ecological bird monitoring were carried out in the reporting period. The monitoring results are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for this Contract.

2.3.11             Results of the ardeid night roost monitoring showed that the two confirmed ardeid night roosts (ANR 1 and ANR 2) during the pre-construction survey were still observed to be active from July 2023 to September 2023. No Action / Limit Level exceedance at NMS1 and NMS2 was recorded during the reporting period.

2.3.12             Results of the ecological bird monitoring recorded no exceedance in Action / Limit Level during the reporting period.

2.4                Action and Limit Levels

2.4.1                The Action and Limit Levels for air quality, noise, water quality and ecology monitoring have been set and are presented in Appendix C.

2.5                Event and Action Plans

2.5.1                The event and action plans for air quality, noise, water quality and ecology monitoring are presented in Appendix E.

2.6                Mitigation Measures

2.6.1                The Contractor had implemented environmental mitigation measures and requirements as stated in the EIA Report, the EP and EM&A Manual. The implementation status of the environmental mitigation measures during the reporting period is summarized in Appendix G.