Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for water quality in the
reporting period.
Action / Limit exceedance was recorded for noise levels at stations (NMS1 and
NMS2) in close proximity to the active ardeid night roosts in the monitoring
exceedance in Action Level was recorded for the ecological monitoring of birds
on 12 April 2024 (night-time) and 15 April 2024 (daytime). This includes
decline in Abundance of Species of Conservation
Importance in the point count method.
environmental site inspections and 13 landscape and visual site audits were
carried out in the reporting period. Recommendations on mitigation measures
were given to the Contractor for remediating the deficiencies identified during
the site inspections.
environmental complaints, notification of summons and successful prosecutions
were recorded in the reporting period.
EM&A methodology has been effective in monitoring the environmental impacts
of the Project and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. The data
collected were useful in determining whether the Project had caused
unacceptable impacts on the sensitive receivers. Analysis of all EM&A data
collected throughout the baseline and the impact monitoring periods
demonstrated the environmental acceptability of the Project.
to the environmental site inspections performed in the reporting period, the
following recommendations were provided:
Air Quality Impact
Watering should be provided every
two hours for the works area.
Watering should be increased for
the haul road.
Construction Noise Impact
The silent up at northwest of the
site should be enclosed.
Water Quality Impact
The contractor is reminded to
increase watering for the haul road.
Chemical Waste and Construction Waste Management
The contractor was reminded to
clear the construction waste regularly.
Domestic waste should be stored
inside the enclosed rubbish bin.
Land Contamination
specific observation was identified in the reporting period.
Ecological Impact
specific observation was identified in the reporting period.
Landscape and Visual Impact
specific observation was identified in the reporting period.
Hazard to Life
No specific
observation was identified in the reporting period.
Permit/ Licenses
A new NRMM label should be
provided for the Generator at STB.
The colour of NRMM label for the
excavator at PST should be green.
The contractor was reminded to
display NRMM label on the PME.
NRMM label for the crane at A
Tank should be provided.
The Contractor was reminded to
provided NRMM label for the crane at A Tank.
NRMM label for the excavator at
SD should be provided.