7.1        Contamination Assessment Report

7.1.1       Risk-Based Remediation Goals (RBRGs) for Industrial have been adopted for the “Main Storeroom & Workshops” and the laboratory results for the sampling works (conducted between 30 June 2021 to 16 July 2021) show that there are no exceedances of the adopted RBRGs for the “Main Storeroom & Workshops”. As no contaminated soil and groundwater was found within the “Main Storeroom & Workshops”, no remediation actions are required for contaminated soil and groundwater for the scheduled land use of the “Main Storeroom & Workshops”. Their findings are summarized in Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) and submitted to EPD on 1 November 2021.

7.1.2       Risk-Based Remediation Goals (RBRGs) for Industrial have been adopted for the “Mechanical Workshop” and the laboratory results for the sampling works (conducted between 23 July 2021 to 4 August 2021) show that there are no exceedances of the adopted RBRGs for the “Mechanical Workshop”. As no contaminated soil and groundwater was found within the “Mechanical Workshop”, no remediation actions are required for contaminated soil and groundwater for the scheduled land use of the “Mechanical Workshop”. Their findings are summarized in Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) and submitted to EPD on 23 November 2021.

7.1.3       Risk-Based Remediation Goals (RBRGs) for Industrial have been adopted for the “Waste Storage Area” and the laboratory results for the sampling works (conducted between 24 November 2021 to 6 January 2022) show that there are no exceedances of the adopted RBRGs for the “Waste Storage Area”. As no contaminated soil and groundwater was found within the “Waste Storage Area”, no remediation actions are required for contaminated soil and groundwater for the scheduled land use of the “Waste Storage Area”. Their findings are summarized in Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) and submitted to EPD on 29 April 2022.