1-hour TSP impact
monitoring was carried out in the reporting month. No Action / Limit Level
exceedance at AM1 and AM2 was recorded during the period.
Construction noise
monitoring was carried out in the reporting month. No Action / Limit Level
exceedance at CM1, CM2 and CM3 was recorded during the period.
No Action and Limit
Level exceedance was recorded for water quality at M1, M2 and M3 in the
reporting month.
Ardeid night roost
monitoring was carried out in the reporting month. Two active ardeid night
roost areas (ANR1 and ANR2) were observed within the Survey Area. These roosts
were located at the mangrove strips in the east and northeast portions of the
Project boundary. No Action / Limit Level exceedance at NMS1 and NMS2 was
recorded during the period.
Ecological bird
monitoring was carried out in the reporting month. No Action / Limit Level
exceedance was recorded for the ecological monitoring of birds on this period.
Five environmental
site inspections were carried out in the reporting month. Recommendations on
mitigation measures for Permit/ Licenses were given to the Contractor for
remediating the deficiencies identified during the site inspections.
Five landscape and
visual site audits were carried out in the reporting month. Recommendations on
mitigation measures for Permit/ Licenses were given to the Contractor for
remediating the deficiencies identified during the site inspections.
Referring to the
Contractor’s information, no environmental complaint, notification of summons
and successful prosecution was received in the reporting month.
Comment and Recommendations
The recommended
environmental mitigation measures, as proposed in the EIA report and EM&A
Manual shall be effectively implemented to minimize the potential environmental
impacts from the Project. The EM&A programme would effectively monitor the
environmental impacts generated from the construction activities and ensure the
proper implementation of mitigation measures.
According to the
environmental site inspections performed in the reporting month, the following
recommendations were provided:
Air Quality Impact
The Contractor is reminded to increase watering for dust suppression
during the demolition of sediment tank.
Construction Noise Impact
No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.
Water Quality Impact
The Contractor is reminded to prevent direct discharge of silt-laden water
into the storm drain near the temporary transformer room.
Chemical Waste and Construction Waste Management
No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.
Land Contamination
No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.
Ecological Impact
The Contractor is reminded to maintain and reinstate the bird curtain at
the eastern site boundary.
Landscape and Visual Impact
Provide damp hessian to cover exposed roots underneath existing footpath
for Tree No. T168 – T173 near site entrance.
Remove stockpile under dripline area for Tree No. T173 – T188 near site entrance.
Avoid mechanical injury of crown and branches by sheet pile clamp during
driving for Tree No. T168 – T173 near site entrance.
Contractor is reminded to keep planting area free of construction debris
such as T020 & T022.
Caution when work next to existing trees at CLP station area.
Please exercise caution when working near existing trees at (former
changing room area) CLP area.
Trunk damage observed for Tree T252, tree maintenance work is
Hazard to Life
No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.
Permit/ Licenses
No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.