In accordance with
the EM&A Manual, impact monitoring is conducted for three days per week at
mid-flood and mid-ebb with sampling and measurement at the designated monitoring
Equipment used for
in-situ measurement and water sampling during impact water quality monitoring
is summarised in Table 4.1. The equipment is in compliance with the requirements set out in the
EM&A Manual. All in-situ monitoring instruments were calibrated by a
HOKLAS-accredited laboratory. Calibration of temperature, DO, salinity, pH and
turbidity is conducted in three month interval.
Calibration certificates for the water quality monitoring equipment are
attached in Appendix D.
All in-situ monitoring instruments shall be checked, calibrated and
certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS before use and subsequently
re-calibrated at three monthly intervals throughout all stages of the water
quality monitoring programme. Responses of sensors and electrodes shall be
checked with certified standard solutions before each use. Wet bulb calibration
for a DO meter shall be carried out before measurement at each monitoring
Sufficient stocks of spare
parts shall be maintained for replacements when necessary. Backup monitoring
equipment shall also be made available so that monitoring is uninterrupted even
when some equipment is under maintenance or calibration etc.
The monitoring parameters and frequency for both
in-situ measurement and laboratory analysis are summarised in Table 4.2.
The position of water monitoring station will be located by the
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) or equivalent. The water depth of
water monitoring station will be determined by the echo sounder affixed to the
bottom of the monitoring vessel or a portable echo sounder depth detector.
Once the location and water depth are confirmed, water samples shall be
collected at 3 depths (1m below the surface, mid-depth, and 1m above the
seabed) of the water column at each location, except where water depth is less
than 6m, the mid-depth will be omitted and if the water depth is less than 3m
only the mid-depth station will be monitored. Duplicate marine samples will be
collected in each sampling event. The water samples are decanted from the water
sampler into the water sample bottles. The bottles are labelled, tightly
sealed, placed into a cool-box and packed with ice ready for delivery to the
Two consecutive measurements of water quality data, including pH,
salinity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity will be recorded according to the
monitoring locations. Separate deployment of the monitoring instruments and
water samplers will be conducted for the consecutive measurements or samplings.
The monitoring location / position, time, water depth, sampling depth, tidal
stages, weather conditions, sea condition and any special phenomena or work
underway nearby shall also be recorded. If the difference in value between the
first and second measurement of DO or turbidity parameters is more than 25% of
the value of the first reading, the reading shall be discarded
and further readings should be taken.
Laboratory Measurement / Analysis
Fugro Technical Services Limited (HOKLAS Reg: No.015) has been appointed
to conduct the laboratory measurement or analysis of water sample in this
Quality Assurance / Quality
The laboratory incorporates a variety of QA/QC monitoring programme into
their testing system. Where applicable or available, the quality of the analysis will
be monitored by conducting the following QC analysis:
A minimal of 1 laboratory method blank will be analyzed;
A minimal of 1 sample duplicate will be analyzed;
A minimal of 1 sample matrix spike will be analyzed.
In accordance with
the EM&A Manual, water quality monitoring should be carried out at 3
designated monitoring locations.
The coordinates of
the monitoring location stated in the EM&A Manual is summarised in Table 4.3
and the locations of the water quality monitoring stations shown in Figure 4.
The schedule of water
quality monitoring in reporting month is provided in Appendix E.
Impact water
quality monitoring was conducted at all designated monitoring stations in the
reporting month. Impact water quality monitoring results and graphical
presentations are provided in Appendix F.
The weather and
meteorological conditions during the monitoring are provided in Appendix K.
Number of Action/ Limit exceedance recorded
in the reporting month at each impact stations is summarized in Table 4.4.
During the
reporting period, no Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for water quality
The Event and
Action Plan for water quality is given in Appendix
Two WetSeps deployed within the site for treatment of the site
runoff prior to disposal in compliance with the conditions stipulated in the
water discharge license.