11.1               Conclusions

11.1.1                           1-hour TSP impact monitoring were carried out in the reporting month. No Action / Limit Level exceedance at AM1 and AM2 was recorded during the period.

11.1.2                           Construction noise monitoring were carried out in the reporting month. No Action / Limit Level exceedance at CM1, CM2 and CM3 was recorded during the period.

11.1.3                           Water quality monitoring at M1, M2 and M3 were carried out in the reporting month. No Action / Limit Level exceedance at M2 was recorded during the period. Three Action Level exceedance were recorded for water quality in the reporting month. The exceedance were recorded at M1 on 22 May 2021 and recorded at M3 on 27 and 29 May 2021. Six Limit Level exceedance were recorded for water quality in the reporting month. The exceedance were recorded at M1 and M3 on 25 and 27May 2021. It was found that these exceedances were not project-related.

11.1.4                           For the active ardeid night roost monitoring, one active night roost site (ANR1) was observed within the Survey Area, 100 m from the Project boundary. This was located in the mangrove strip east of the Project boundary. This was used by the different ardeid species such as the Eastern Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Chinese Pond Heron and Great Egret. PRA of Great Egret individuals was noted on the exposed mudflat northeast of the Project boundary while no PRA was noted at the east portion of the Project boundary. For the final night roost, different times were observed for the different species such that it started around as early as 18:10 for both Eastern Cattle Egret and Little Egret; 18:15 for Chinese Pond Heron; and around 18:30 for the Great Egret. The other night roost (ANR2) located at the northeast of the Project boundary, as noted to be active last April 2021, was not used by the ardeids during the current monitoring period. This change was, however, not caused by the Project¡¦s construction activities as the recorded noise level ((53.0 dB(A)) (Table 5.3) near ANR2 was lower with respect to the action limit level of 65.5 dB(A) which more likely to cause behavioural responses of some kind by the ardeids (Wright et al. 2010). Furthermore, ardeid night roosts are known for their highly changeable locations and roosting population. Fluctuation of roosting population, abandonment or change in locations of roosting site without major nearby environmental change has been observed in several roosts and locations in Hong Kong (HKJC, 2005; Lee et al., 2004; MTRC, 2010).

11.1.5                           For the ecological bird monitoring, a decrease in abundance was noted in this period relative to the baseline May 2017 results of the point count method, however, the decrease was not statistically significant. In terms of Shannon diversity index, significant increase in values were noted for the transect walk method while significant decrease of values were observed in point count method with reference to baseline values. The significant decrease in species diversity in point count method was however, not project-related. The significant decrease could be due to a wide range of environmental and anthropogenic factors in the breeding grounds, stopover sites, and wintering grounds along the migratory pathway of the majority of these waterbird species (Catry et al., 2013; Howard et al., 2020; Sung Y-H et. al., 2021). For the habitat utilization of species with conservation importance, all of the wetland habitats were noted with very low abundances which then indicated subsequent very low utilization of these areas. With respect to the habitat utilization of overwintering avifauna species, the wetland habitats were also noted with very low abundances of these species which implied very low utilization of these areas. In terms of species richness (total number of species), majority of the wetland habitats were also utilized by very low number of species with conservation importance and overwintering species.

11.1.6                           Four environmental site inspections were carried out in the reporting month. Recommendations on mitigation measures for Permit/ Licenses were given to the Contractor for remediating the deficiencies identified during the site inspections.

11.1.7                           Four landscape and visual site audits were carried out in the reporting month.

11.1.8                           Referring to the Contractor¡¦s information, no environmental complaint, notification of summons and successful prosecution was received in the reporting month.

11.2               Comment and Recommendations

11.2.1                           The recommended environmental mitigation measures, as proposed in the EIA reports and EM&A Manuals shall be effectively implemented to minimize the potential environmental impacts from the Project. The EM&A programme would effectively monitor the environmental impacts generated from the construction activities and ensure the proper implementation of mitigation measures.

11.2.2                           According to the environmental site inspections performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were provided:


Air Quality Impact

¡P          The contractor was reminded to properly cover the excavated material and trial trench.

Construction Noise Impact

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Water Quality Impact

¡P          Mitigation measures should be provided to intercept silty runoff from the piling area.

¡P          Enhance mitigation by providing sandbags along inner edge of U channel to prevent inflow of silty runoff.

¡P          Silty deposit on road and in gullies should be cleaned.

¡P          Mitigation measures should be provided to prevent runoff from the MIC/ temporary administration building area flowing to the open channel outside.

Chemical and Waste Management

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Active Ardeid Night Roost Impact

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Ecology of Birds Impact

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Land Contamination

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Landscape and Visual Impact

¡P          The contractor was reminded to provide protection zones for trees near the new workshop/ storage areas.

Hazard to Life

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Permit/ Licenses

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.