3.                   Noise Monitoring

3.1                   Monitoring Requirement

3.1.1                                 With reference to Section 3.5.1 of the EM&A manual, the baseline noise monitoring shall be carried out for at least 2 weeks prior to the commissioning of the construction works.During the baseline monitoring, there shall not be any construction activities in the vicinity of the monitoring stations.

3.1.2                                 The baseline noise monitoring parameters and frequencies are presents in Table 3.1.

3.2                   Monitoring Locations

3.2.1                                 In accordance with Section 3 of the EM&A Manual, noise monitoring should be carried out at 3 designated monitoring locations.

3.2.2                                 The noise monitoring stations are summarised in Table 3.2 and shown in Figure 3.

3.3                   Monitoring Equipment

3.3.1                                 As  referred  to  the  requirements  of  the  Technical  Memorandum  (TM)  issued  under  the NCO,  the  sound  level  meters  in  compliance  with  the  International Electro technical Commission  Publications  651:  1979  (Type  1)  and  804:  1985  (Type  1)  specifications should be used for carrying out the noise monitoring. Immediately prior to and following each noise measurement, the accuracy of the sound level meter should be checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency. The measurements may be accepted as valid only if the difference between calibration levels obtained before and after the noise measurement is less than 1.0 dB.

3.3.2                                 The model of the noise monitoring equipment used is summarized in Table 3.3.

3.3.3                                 The ET is responsible for the provision of the monitoring equipment and should ensure that sufficient  noise  measuring  equipment  and  associated  instrumentation  are  available  for carrying out the baseline monitoring, regular impact monitoring and ad hoc monitoring. All the equipment and associated instrumentation should be clearly labelled.

3.3.4                                 The monitoring procedures are as follows:

¡P           The monitoring station will set at a point 1m from the exterior of the sensitive receivers building façade and set at a position 1.2m above the ground.

¡P           The battery condition was checked to ensure good functioning of the meter.

¡P           Parameters such as frequency weighting, the time weighting and the measurement time will set as follows:

¡±   frequency weighting : A

¡±   time weighting : Fast

¡±   measurement time : continuous 5 minutes interval

¡P           Prior to and after noise measurement, the meter shall be calibrated using the calibrator for 94.0 dB at 1000 Hz. If the difference in the calibration level before and after measurement is more than 1.0 dB, the measurement will considered invalid and repeat of noise measurement is required after re-calibration or repair of the equipment.

¡P           Noise measurement should be paused during periods of high intrusive noise if possible and observation shall be recorded when intrusive noise is not avoided.

¡P           Noise measurements shall not be made in fog, rain, wind with a steady speed exceeding 5 m/s or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s. The wind speed shall be checked with a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring the wind speed in m/s. Calibration certificate of the anemometer is provided in Appendix A.

3.3.5                                 Maintenance and Calibration procedures are as follows:

¡P           The microphone head of the sound level meter and calibrator should be cleaned with a soft cloth at quarterly intervals.

¡P           The sound level meter and calibrator should be calibrated annually by a HOKLAS laboratory.

¡P           Relevant calibration certificates are provided in Appendix A.

3.4                   Results and Observations

3.4.1                                 Baseline noise monitoring was conducted at three monitoring stations between 1 December 2020 and 14 December 2020. The baseline monitoring schedule is provided in Appendix F. With reference to the Hong Kong Observatory data and site observation, no rainy or windy (over 5m/s average wind speed) weather was observed.  The weather condition in the monitoring period is provided in Appendix G.

3.4.2                                 During the baseline monitoring, at CM1, road traffic noise along the road near the squatter house at the north of Yuen Long STW was observed during the baseline monitoring.

3.4.3                                 At CM2, road traffic noise along the road near squatter house at the west of Yuen Long STW was observed in the surroundings, and the contributed to the occasional high noise levels (over 75dB (A)).

3.4.4                                 At CM3, road traffic noise along the Nam Sang Wai Road was observed during the baseline monitoring.

3.4.5                                 The monitoring data are summarized in Table 3.4. Detailed noise monitoring data are presented in Appendix C.

3.5                   Action and Limit Level

3.5.1                                 The Action and Limit Levels were established in accordance with the EM&A Manual. The baseline noise level shall be referenced during the compliance check in the impact noise monitoring period. The action and limit levels for construction noise were presents in Table 3.5.

3.6                   Event and Action Plan

3.6.1                                 The Event and Action Plan for Noise are given in Appendix E.