
1.     Introduction  3

2.     Air Quality Monitoring  4

3.     Noise Monitoring  6

4.     Water Quality Monitoring  9

5.     Revisions for Inclusion in the EM&A Manual 19

6.     Comments and Conclusions  20


Figure 1                General Layout of the Proposed Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant

Figure 2                Air Quality Monitoring Locations

Figure 3                Noise Monitoring Locations

Figure 4                Water Quality Monitoring Locations


Appendix A     Calibration Certificates of the Monitoring Equipment

Appendix B     Air Quality Monitoring Results

Appendix C     Noise Monitoring Results

Appendix D     Water Quality Monitoring Results

Appendix E    Event and Action Plan[This is the bookmark for the end of the front matter.

Appendix F    Baseline Monitoring Schedule[This is the bookmark for the end of the front matter.

Appendix G    Weather Condition

Appendix H   Wind Data

Appendix I     EPD’s Approval Letter

Appendix J     HOKLAS Certificate of Accreditation

Appendix K    Construction Programme



         i.            Drainage Services Department (DSD) is the Project Proponent and the Permit Holder of the Project for construction of Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant (hereinafter referred as “the Project”), which is a Designated Project to be implemented under Environmental Permit number EP-565/2019 (EP).

       ii.            Fugro Technical Services Limited (FTS) has been commissioned as the Environmental Team (ET) to perform relevant Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme for baseline environmental monitoring in accordance with the EM&A Manual approved under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO).

      iii.            According to the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual air quality monitoring, noise monitoring and water quality monitoring should be required to be monitored during the baseline phase of the Project. Moreover, baseline environmental monitoring is required to be conducted prior to commencement of the construction works/activities under the Project.

     iv.            Baseline air quality monitoring and noise monitoring was conducted between 1 December 2020 and 14 December 2020. Baseline water quality monitoring was conducted between 1 December 2020 and 26 December 2020. During the baseline monitoring period, no construction activities under the Project were observed by ET.

       v.            A proposal of relocation of water quality monitoring locations was submitted to EPD on 22 September 2020 in accordance with Section 4.5.7 of the EM&A Manual, the monitoring location E2, E3 and E5 are proposed to be relocated by alternative monitoring location E2a, E3a and E5a. EPD’s approval letter is given in Appendix I.

     vi.            This document presents the baseline monitoring requirements, methodologies and results of baseline measurements in accordance with the requirements accordance with the requirements of the approved EM&A Manual and as stipulated in the Environmental Permit (EP) (EP No. EP-565/2019).

    vii.            The Action and Limit Levels for impact air quality monitoring are summarized in Table I. The baseline noise monitoring results and Action and Limit Levels for impact noise monitoring are summarized in Table II. The Action and Limit Levels for impact water quality monitoring are summarized in Table III. The Action and Limit Levels for impact monitoring were derived based on the criteria adopted from the approved EM&A Manual.